Hi! I’M Marcie Brewster

and this is my story

It was 2014. February. I was grieving my mom’s death, and I was alone. I was broke. I was in the depths of despair.

It was a dark, gray winter, and that’s exactly how I felt inside. Dark. Gray. I felt frozen. I couldn’t move. My back hurt, and I couldn’t do yoga. My muscles were tight. My body felt weak.

My career as a farmer was over. The savings I had worked so hard to earn wasn’t enough to support me. I didn’t have a clue how I was going to make a living.

I felt all alone in the depths of my despair, and I knew I had to do something if I was going to survive. I had heard about this tapping technique, and I decided I would give it a try. It felt like a last-ditch effort, but I was desperate and hanging on to my last hope.

So, I tapped. I followed along to a recording and tapped. And tapped. And then I felt a little better. And then I realized I felt relief.

EFT Opened the Door to My Healing

 When I looked further into Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), I found tapping meditations from The Tapping Solution. Even though it was frigid, I sat outside so I could get WIFI signal to do these sessions online. I tapped every single day. I sobbed, and I vented my anger and rage. I cried and grieved and vented some more.

At the end of two weeks, I was amazed at the energy and emotion I was able to move. I realized this was an important benchmark for me. I knew something big had shifted. This was the answer! I read everything I could about tapping. Every day I studied, tapped, and journaled about the energy shifts I experienced.

Soon, when a friend gifted me some exercise CDs, I used the program to bring my body back from ill and aging to strong and flexible. I realized I wasn’t defeated, that I could find a way to survive financially without doing the back-breaking work of a market gardener.

Insight on a New Way of Life

I started a small enterprise that generated income. I was offered a job that allowed me to learn more about herbs and healing while adding to my customer base. Through this experience, I began to see how important it was for others to have the resources and techniques they need to help themselves.

I decided it was time to take a more significant risk. I decided to become a Tapping Coach. Within weeks, I was leading tapping classes, excited about the results we experienced. The groups soon grew in number and frequency, and I was excited about my new venture.

Then the pandemic hit. Everything came to an abrupt halt. Our meetings were canceled, and it felt like all our good work was canceled, too. I didn’t see how I could work from home until Zoom came into our lives.

After a few months in lockdown, I enrolled in an online Clinical EFT Tapping curriculum. In 15 months, now EFT certified, I realized that my work had only just begun. I had used tapping as a brilliant stress reduction tool. I had successfully found new ways to take care of my body. I even discovered a unique income opportunity. But I didn’t realize how much trauma lurked below the surface.

So, I dug in. I dug in deep.

The work was intense. I soon discovered there are many depths we need to plumb. But I also see there are even greater heights to soar. I can feel the excitement of that realization now, as I did then.

A Journey with Passion and Potential

At this point in my journey, I wanted a more advanced coaching system. I wanted to add to my tapping education. I enrolled in a coaching program that focused on the limiting beliefs that inhibit our success as we define it. I soon saw how these beliefs dull our shine. How they hinder our ability to see the greatness within us. And how they can be systematically undone.

This is where I am today. This is the work I do and the work I am most passionate about. There is a way to live the life you want. It’s not just about plumbing the depths, it’s also about unearthing our limiting beliefs and programs. It’s about breaking the glass ceiling you impose on yourself.

This is my experience. Using a step by step coaching program, we can do this for you, too.

We can do this together!